Graduation at Azerbaijan Medical University

Graduation day of students of Azerbaijan Medical University

Graduation day of students of Azerbaijan Medical University was held

Graduation Day was held for students of Azerbaijan Medical University (ATU) on June 30.


Well-known public-political figures, healthcare workers and other guests participated in the ceremony. The National Anthem was played for the first time.
Minister of Health Teymur Musayev, who gave a congratulatory speech, said that “Graduation Day” will remain as a beautiful day in the memory of doctors of the future: “Today is a significant day for us too. “Our healthcare is enriched with new talented young people and creative forces who will join the honorable mission for the sake of Azerbaijan’s healthy future”.
The Minister said, recalling that the problems in the field of healthcare in Azerbaijan were always paid special attention by the state: “As in other areas of modern Azerbaijani society, the development of healthcare is also linked to the name of the great leader Heydar Aliyev It is. National leader Heydar Aliyev considered the protection of population health as one of the top priority issues in the country’s policy. Today, President Ilham Aliyev, a follower of the great leader, always keeps the social-cultural life of our republic in mind. “The attention and care shown to the development of medical education by the First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, who is a specialized doctor, is irreplaceable”.
“In recent years, ATU’s international relations with leading educational institutions of foreign countries have been expanding. This has enabled the application of a high-level education system at the Medical University, student-teacher exchange, and at the same time expanded the participation of teachers and students in international scientific-experience discussions. As a result of all the work done, for the first time in the history of Azerbaijani healthcare, ATU’s educational programs have passed international accreditation. “I am sure that you will be a guiding light in ensuring healthy and long-lasting life for each of our citizens,” said the Minister of Health congratulated the graduates.
Rector of the University, Professor Garay Garaybayli wished the doctors of the future success in their careers and to keep the name of ATU high everywhere. “Great leader Heydar Aliyev appreciated the role of doctors and teachers in Azerbaijan. President Ilham Aliyev, a worthy follower of the national leader, always pays attention and care to distinguished students. Awarding of students admitted to our University with high scores with Presidential scholarship is an obvious example of this,” said G. Garaybayli reported.
The Rector also informed the participants of the event about ATU’s activities, reforms made in the educational process in recent years, and applied innovations. It is noted that this year, 1231 people graduate from the Azerbaijan Medical University. Of them, 335 people graduated from I treatment-prophylactics, 332 – II treatment-prephylactic, 280 – Dentistry, 125 – Pharmacy, 70 – Public health, and 76 people graduated from ATU military-medical faculties. There are 13 military-feldshers among this year’s graduates. 319 of the graduates are foreign citizens. At the same time, 88 graduates graduated ATU with a diploma of distinction. All graduates who received a diploma of distinction are citizens of Azerbaijan.
Then the graduates took the Hippocratic oath. They promised to stand with dignity to guard the health of our people.
Honorary decrees were presented at the event to graduates who completed their education with excellent grades and young people who actively participated in the public life of the Azerbaijan Medical University. Diplomas were presented by Minister of Health Teymur Musayev and Rector of ATU Garay Garaybayli.
Later, the professor-teaching staff and parents of ATU congratulated the graduates and told them that they believed that they would justify the sanctity of the doctor’s name in their future professional activities.
The event continued with the performance of well-known artists. Students of Azerbaijan Medical University also shared the same scene with artists. Students of the military faculty of the university performed songs in the spirit of patriotism.


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