ATU delegation is on a business trip to Hungary

ATU delegation is on a business trip to Hungary

Delegation of Azerbaijan Medical University was on a business trip to Budapest, the capital of Hungary. During the visit, official meetings were held at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in this country, at Budapest Semmelveis University and at the educational clinics of that university.

Within the framework of the visit, Professor Garay Garaybayli, the rector of the Azerbaijan Medical University and the pro-chancellor of educational affairs, professor Zulfugar Musabeyov were at the reception of Tahir Taghizadeh, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Hungary. During the meeting, it was emphasized that diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary have developed with an increasing line and have now reached the level of strategic partnership. Relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary in education and health sector, which closely cooperate on a bilateral and multilateral basis, were also discussed.

During the visit, Professor Garay Garaybayli, the rector of the Azerbaijan Medical University, and the proctor of education and education Zulfugar Musabeyov were guests at the Budapest Semmelveis University. In the meeting with Bela Merkely, the rector of Semmelweis University, they discussed strengthening the relationship between the two universities, client projects and plans for joint projects for the coming period.
Then the ATU delegation visited the conference hall and lecture rooms of the high school, Attila Szijarto, accompanied by the director of international relations Marcel Pop.

ATU-our principal, prof. G. Garaybayli wrote his heartfelt words in the guest book of the university and clinic.

Senior representatives of ATU also visited the Psychiatric Clinic of Semmelweis University. Director of the center Janos Rethelyi introduced guests to the conditions created for teaching requirements from all over the world here and gave them detailed information about the clinic’s activities. Professor G. Garaybayli and assistant Z. Musabeyov also visited lecture halls and teaching operating rooms of the clinic.

It should be noted that ATU and Semmelweis University signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in 2016.

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